Purpose-Driven Entrepreneurship: Jake Still’s Blueprint for Growth and Lasting Impact

In this interview, Jake Still, Co-founder and CEO of Junk Rescue, shares his journey of building a business that prioritizes leadership development and community impact. He discusses his vision for the future, the importance of learning from others, and how entrepreneurs can create meaningful change through purpose-driven growth.




Read Time: 11 minutes

In the final part of Jake Still’s interview, the Co-founder and CEO of Junk Rescue shares insights on how entrepreneurs can make a lasting impact on society by prioritizing personal growth within their teams and championing leadership development. He reflects on the importance of investing in people, not just for the business, but for the betterment of communities. Jake’s vision is to leave a legacy of empowerment, redefining how businesses operate and inspiring future generations to focus on purpose-driven success.

I appreciate you sharing your journey with us today. Let’s jump right into the first question—In what ways do you believe entrepreneurs can make a positive impact on society, and how do you incorporate philanthropy into your business model?

Entrepreneurs have a unique opportunity to create a profound impact on society by leveraging their businesses to transform lives in meaningful ways. For us, the nature of our entry-level roles allows us to connect with individuals who may not have had access to higher education or the mentorship needed to realize their full potential. I see this as a powerful opportunity to fill that gap and develop people in ways that go beyond the workplace. It’s not just about giving someone a job—it’s about equipping them with the skills and mindset to excel in every area of life.

We focus on helping our team grow personally and professionally, teaching skills like financial literacy, effective communication, and problem-solving. These aren’t just tools for the job; they’re tools for life. My vision is that our team members go home more confident, more capable, and better prepared to handle challenges. When their friends and family notice their growth and ask, “How did you learn all this?” I want the answer to be, “From my job at Junk Rescue.

We believe this approach creates a ripple effect that extends far beyond our company. By investing in the growth of our employees, we’re not only improving their lives but also positively impacting their families, communities, and society as a whole. This is our version of philanthropy—empowering individuals to thrive both inside and outside of work, creating a an everlasting cycle of growth and opportunity.

What legacy do you hope to leave through your business, and how do you envision your impact on future generations?

The legacy I hope to leave through my business is to become the model that other companies aspire to follow—a business that redefines what it means to invest in people. We want to challenge the outdated mindset that professional development only happens through formal education like college. Instead, we believe it’s the responsibility of employers to provide that education within the workplace. When done right, this approach doesn’t just benefit employees; it transforms businesses by creating loyal, empowered team members who stay longer, refer clients, and become lifelong champions of the company.

Our goal is to set the standard for how businesses should operate—where people are prioritized, development is woven into the company culture, and the success of the individual is seen as inseparable from the success of the organization. We want to be the case study that’s taught in business schools, the example other companies look to when rethinking how they invest in their teams. By building a company where growth and opportunity are core to our mission, we aim to change the way people think about business entirely, leaving a legacy that influences future generations of leaders, entrepreneurs, and industries.

What common mistakes do you see aspiring entrepreneurs make, and how can they avoid them?

One of the most common mistakes I see aspiring entrepreneurs make is trying to completely reinvent the wheel. Innovation is important, but there’s a fine line between being creative and ignoring hard-earned lessons from those who’ve already been in the trenches. So many people have failed before you—and their experiences are an invaluable resource. The smartest entrepreneurs learn from those mistakes, take what works, and adapt it to their own vision. You don’t have to start from scratch when there are proven systems, frameworks, and strategies that can save you time and prevent unnecessary headaches.

Another mistake is not listening to experts or mentors. Whether it’s ego or a desire to do things their own way, too many aspiring entrepreneurs overlook the advice of people who have walked the path before them. Yes, your journey is unique, but the fundamentals of building a business—like leadership, operations, and scaling—are often universal. Surround yourself with people who have been where you want to go, and take their feedback seriously. You can still be innovative while standing on the shoulders of those who’ve paved the way. It’s a faster, smarter way to build something meaningful and sustainable.

Your advice on learning from others and seeking guidance is invaluable. With that in mind, what advice would you give to your younger self when you were just starting out?

YOUR VISION and confidence is the biggest motivator for your team. Inspire your team, dont manage them.
Focus on “”Who”” not “”How””
Your “”WHY”” is what keeps you going
Focus on one system at a time.
Math is the Path, What gets measured gets managed, what gets managed gets improved
Move Fast and Break Things
Done is better than Perfect
Buy Back Your Time – Hire and delegate your lowest value tasks until the company can afford to pay you what your true skills are worth.
Most things in the world dont matter, focus on what matters most
Time is the great equalizer, we well have a finite amount of time and regret weighs more than failure.

What resources (books, courses, mentors) have been most valuable to you in your entrepreneurial journey?

Some of the most valuable resources on my entrepreneurial journey have been books that challenge my perspective and provide actionable frameworks for growth. Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink taught me the importance of taking full responsibility for everything in my business, while Essentialism by Greg McKeown helped me focus on what truly matters and cut out distractions. E-Myth by Michael Gerber completely reshaped how I view systems and processes, reminding me that building a business is about creating something that works without depending solely on me.

Books like The One Minute Manager by Ken Blanchard have been invaluable for leadership, showing how small, consistent actions build strong teams. Buy Back Your Time by Dan Martell gave me a fresh perspective on scaling while avoiding burnout, and The Third Door by Alex Banayan is a great reminder that unconventional thinking often leads to the greatest opportunities. Lastly, Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek reinforced the idea that the success of my business is directly tied to the success and well-being of my team.

What emerging trends in your industry do you believe will shape the future of entrepreneurship?

One of the biggest trends shaping the future of entrepreneurship is how competitive and overwhelming the world has become. Everyone and everything is fighting for attention—whether it’s brands, apps, or influencers—and people are inundated with options. To stand out, entrepreneurs need to be crystal clear on their mission and focus on storytelling. A strong, authentic story cuts through the noise and helps people connect with your brand on a personal level. It’s not just about what you offer; it’s about why it matters and how it makes life easier or better for your customers.

Another key trend is the integration of technology to drive efficiency and scalability. Automation, data analytics, and AI are transforming how businesses operate, but the human element is still critical. Entrepreneurs who can combine technology with a compelling story and an authentic mission will thrive in this crowded landscape. Ultimately, the brands that succeed are the ones that don’t just compete for attention—they earn loyalty by building trust and meaningful relationships.

How do you balance reinvesting profits back into theHow do you envision your business evolving over the next five years, and what steps are you taking to prepare for that future?business versus taking profits out for personal use?

In 5 years Junk Rescue will have 10+ corporate owned locations in 10 major cities across the East Coast. We will have a fleet of 50+ trucks, 1000+ dumpsters, 200+ employees, and over 20,000 5 star reviews. We will donate over 5,000 full truck loads per year and we will keep over 35,000 tons per year out of the landfill.

If we have an office in your city then, for every 30 minutes you drive, our brand is bound to appear somewhere. Whether its a truck on the road, a dumpster in a driveway, a billboard, a lawn sing, a radio ad, or maybe just one of employees inside WAWA. Our bright blue, yellow, and red Heroic brand will be unmistakable.

Although our brand prevalent anywhere you go, what we are most known for is our ability to develop outstanding leaders both within the business and within the community. Its our employees who create the remarkable client experience that our clients rave about on a daily basis.

100% of our Operations and Management Leaders were once Heroes on our trucks and earned their new career statuses.

Our ability to develop our people will be are greatest achievement.

Your vision for the future of Junk Rescue is truly inspiring, especially with your focus on growth and developing strong leaders. To wrap things up, what final thoughts or key takeaways would you like to share with our readers who are looking to succeed as entrepreneurs?

Success as an entrepreneur starts with resilience and a commitment to constant growth. You have to accept that failure isn’t just a possibility—it’s a guarantee at some point. What sets successful entrepreneurs apart is their ability to learn from those failures, pivot, and come back stronger. Build something you believe in, not just for profit but with a purpose that inspires you and others.

Remember, the most important investment you can make is in people, which includes yourself. Your ability to inspire and develop the people around you will ultimately define your success. Focus on creating opportunities and developing leaders within your business. When you empower others to achieve more than they thought possible, your vision becomes larger than yourself—and that’s when real impact happens.

Thank you, Jake, for sharing your inspiring insights and the incredible journey behind Junk Rescue. Your commitment to people-first leadership and creating meaningful change is truly impactful. We appreciate you taking the time to be a part of Founders’ Forum and wish you continued success in shaping the future of entrepreneurship.

Listen to Jake’s episode on the Founders’ Forum Radio Show and Podcast:

Jake Still

Co-Founder & CEO of Junk Rescue

A forever student of life.

Connect with Jake:

Website: www.junk-rescue.com

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/jakestill

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/junk.rescueNJ

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/junk.rescue

Marc J. Bernstein JD, ChFC®, CLU®, CAP®

Financial Planner and Consultant, Bestselling Author, and Creator of the Forward Focus Forums

Marc helps high performing entrepreneurs and business owners create a vision for the future, accomplish their business and personal goals, financial and otherwise, and assists them in following through on their intentions.  Marc recently co-founded March, a forward-looking company with a unique approach to wealth management.  He captured his philosophy in his #1 Amazon Bestseller, The Fiscal Therapy Solution 1.0.  Marc is also the founder of the Forward Focus Forum, a suite of resources tailored specifically to educate and connect high performing entrepreneurs, and to help them realize their vision of true financial independence. The forum includes;

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